RABI’UTH THANI 8, 1446/OCTOBER 11, 2024
Dear Students, Parents and Guardians:
Mental health is an integral part of overall well-being. Our school is committed to promote awareness about mental health and its impact on academic and social functioning of our students. We take initiatives to educate our students, our teachers and staff so that together, we can build a safe learning space for our children. It is in this light that we inform you that we shall be integrating different mental health awareness activities in classes during the week-long commemoration of the Mental Health Month from October 14-18. These activities in class will encourage students to deal with the different emotions they have as they go through the joys and pains of growing up; and to inspire them to remain positive and resilient all throughout. It is our goal to teach our students to remain steadfast in our faith and to rely only to Allah SWT for everything.
We shall also have “brain break” which means that on October 16 and 17, we shall have shortened class schedule and early dismissal. This is to give way to the mental health awareness activities for our employees too.
We hope that you will also be able to have mental health breaks in your own homes too. As the World Mental Health Awareness theme goes, “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health”.
We shall notify you of the monthly faculty meeting schedule ahead of time.
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact us.
Thank you